“Throughout my painting life, I have often been asked to explain or elaborate on my interest in specific subject matter or whether I preferred one medium above another. While these are not uninteresting questions, and they can yield some insights as to the artist’s passions or obsessions, they miss the point about picture making in a broader sense. What seems more relevant to me is that often there is no single key to understanding the drive toward making a painting. Certainly the art of painting has been a a significant form of human expression and communication from almost the beginning of human social organization. Yet compared to language – and certainly the more abstract language of math and physics – it is rather a primitive communicative mode.
“So why does it remain so paramount in our cultural lives? I cannot answer for that need, nor can I fully explain my lifelong desire to convert the observable visual world into a painted representation of it. Perhaps it is my way of preserving what seems often, and lately even more so, the transient nature of experience. These are subjective threads to what might also be called consciousness. And if art can become a source of heightened awareness that maximizes our conscious life, then it adds a dimension to our existence that is both life enhancing and extremely pleasurable.”